Introducing Transportly: TMS that improves your daily workload

Press Release
Patricia Romanikova, 06.04.2022
We are proud to introduce Transportly, a brand new Transportation Management System for effective day-to-day operations of road cargo carriers.

Year 2021 was a challenging year for businesses all around the world. With the global pandemic still hitting hard, we started the development of the TMS we believe will be game-changing in the field of logistics management in Europe.

What differentiates Transportly from other similar tools on the market is its easy-to-use and highly intuitive design. Information overload is a real thing and that is why we believe that robust systems are a thing of the past. Transportly comes in a bundle of 2 apps specially customized for dispatchers as a web application and for drivers as a mobile application available for both Android and iOS devices.


“I am very excited to bring Transportly TMS to all small and medium-sized road cargo carriers. Our mission is to raise their competitiveness, help them grow and make their daily lives a little bit easier,” says Viktor Sucka, founder and CEO of Transportly and SWIDA Innovative, a well-established company based in Slovakia primarily focused on organizing express transports.

“Thanks to the determination of our programmers, we have managed to turn an idea into an innovative tool which is easy-to-use and covers all the needs of modern road carriers. We pride ourselves on advanced analytics and user experience that goes beyond a typical TMS tool,” continues Sucka.

What to expect from Transportly TMS

Transportly TMS allows you to look at your business from multiple different viewpoints: by orders, by vehicles and by drivers. Updating in real time, you are always on top of the key metrics that are valuable for you as well as for your clients. Easy route profitability calculation, fleet cost analysis, an integrated invoicing module and ability to share information with third parties are only a few handy functions Transportly apps provide.

If you are a road cargo carrier, you can try Transportly for free. Just sign up for a Freemium account at and try it for yourself or get in touch and request a free 20-minute Demo call with one of our Transportly experts.

Company details

Transportly is a young company developing specialized software for road cargo carriers. Based on our experience from SWIDA Innovative, our partner company focused on organizing express transports, we are fully aware of what it means to run a business in this industry. Strict time limits and unpredictable orders from shipping companies make running the business and keeping in touch with the ever-changing situation really difficult without the proper tools.

That is why we developed Transportly TMS, which saves the valuable time of dispatchers and gives them the possibility to work from anywhere, since all the data they need is digitally accessible via app. Moreover, our simple design can guarantee a fluent and quick transition from the traditional ways of management for every client.

Contact details
Patricia Romanikova
+421 905 601 352

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