Organize your transports in a blink of an eye

The Application for transport management for small and medium road cargo carriers.

How can Transportly help you?


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in trying our application?

The first 30 transports you make in Transportly are for free. Sign up now and try Transportly without obligation.

We know the problems, that are bothering you

Transportly TMS solutions

Transportly Transportly

Why should you try Transportly TMS?

Our vision is a world where small and medium carriers can use the services of IT solutions without the need to pay and manage an in-house IT team.
By using Transportly TMS you will keep pace with your competitors, do your work more efficiently and in the end, it is up to you how you spend the extra free time.

Try for free

Situations, where we can help

Informed transport

Monitor your transports without the need to call your driver every 100 km. With our software, you will always get everything you need.

Sending automatic updates on transport status directly to your customer and providing him the access to follow the actual location of the vehicle is minimizing the necessary personal communication with your dispatcher.

Use a single complex software instead of ten different applications. You will improve the overview of your transports and eliminate the risk of making a mistake while copying information from one app to the other.

What will you get from us?

  • Web application
  • Transport registry
  • Drivers and cars assignment
  • Transport monitoring in real-time
  • Invoicing module
  • History of transports and document storage
  • Mobile application (Android, iOS)
  • Source of information from the dispatcher
  • Simple transport status changes (Cargo loaded, on the way, unloaded)
  • GPS tracking during the transport execution

Choose from our packages

All prices are VAT excluded.

Who are we?

Viktor Sučka
Viktor Sučka
Samuel Sás
Samuel Sás
Product Owner
+421 902 271 969
Peter Rusiňak
Peter Rusiňak
Account Manager for SK, CZ
+421 904 852 833 Book demo
Rafal Szczepanowicz
Rafal Szczepanowicz
Account Manager for PL
+421 903 741 765 Book demo
Krisztína Mathé
Krisztína Mathé
Account manager for HU, RO
+40 772 030 642 Book demo

Transportly is a young company developing specialized software for road cargo carriers. Based on our experience from SWIDA Innovative, our partner company focused on organizing express transports, we are fully aware of what it means to run a business in this industry. Our goal is to provide modern IT solutions for small and medium-sized companies in order to raise their competitiveness in this rapidly evolving market.

We base our existence on transparency and we want to achieve long-term relations with our customers and help them grow.